

Checking out these ways to cut 500 calories can help you lose a pound per week. To shed one pound, you must create a calorie deficit of 3,500 per week or 500 per day. It’s easier than you think too! You’re going to be shocked at how simple it is to eliminate those calories so you can successfully torch some fat and get healthy at the same time. Which of these ways to cut 500 calories is your first step?


Going from a dinner sized plate to a salad one is one of the easiest ways to cut 500 calories. You might not even notice less food because you can still fill your plate, but the smaller size means you won’t put as much food on it. Easy, right? Do the same for your jumbo cereal bowl too!


The average can of soda contains over 100 calories, but if you grab more than one or you fill your cup at the gas station soda fountain, you’re easily topping 500 calories or more. By eliminating soda from your routine, you can quickly reduce your calorie intake by hundreds. Choose unsweetened tea or water instead for a great way to quench thirst while also losing weight.


Yes, nuts are super healthy and have tons of vitamins and minerals. But they are also higher in calories than other snack foods. That means that if you mindlessly munch several handfuls every day, you might be able to cut an extra 500 calories every day by stopping that habit. Measure out one portion and be sure to balance it with the rest of your meals and snacks to keep from overdoing it.


This is especially beneficial if you’re having pasta dishes. As you near the end of your meal, stop eating when there are a two or three bites of food on your plate. By doing this at every meal, you can easily keep several hundred calories from entering your body each day. Combine this with smaller plates and you’ll be well on your way to weight loss.


It’s so easy to underestimate the size of your portions. You go along thinking you’re eating the right sized portion, only to find out you’re way overdoing it. It happens to the best of us. Counteract that by using measuring cups and spoons to carefully portion out the foods you eat. You’ll be surprised to find that you’ve been taking in more calories than you thought because you haven’t been sticking to one portion. With time, it gets easier to eyeball a portion so you don’t have to carry your measuring utensils everywhere you go.


If you’ve sat down with a bag of chips or container of ice cream only to discover the entire thing gone when your favorite sitcom is over, you know exactly what I’m talking about here. You get distracted with the drama on the screen and forget to pay attention to what you’re putting in your mouth. Eat meals at the table away from the latest episodes. If you must snack while you watch, measure out one portion and leave the rest in the kitchen so you’re not tempted to have just a little more…and a little more.


Salad is a staple for a weight loss diet. Vegetables are packed with fiber, which controls your appetite and they’re full of nutrients too. However, a salad can quickly become a diet bomb if it’s not prepared correctly. Stay away from gobs of salad dressing, bacon, loads of cheese, olives, piles of nuts, dried fruit and croutons, which can easily jack the calorie content sky high.
Did you know it was so simple to cut 500 calories? How do you make sure you don’t get too many calories every day?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)


Regardless of how you eat, your weight might have very little to do with the old saying, "calories in versus calories out" for a few reasons. Although you might hear that it’s all about “calories in versus calories out,” there are a few particular situations that the number on the scale has nothing to with how healthy or unhealthy you eat. Generally speaking, I like to tell my clients that when it comes to your weight, your diet is the main factor, followed by your activity and lastly your genetics. Sometimes maintenance of a healthy weight is much more complicated than simply what you eat and what you expend. Here are 7 instances where your weight might be more complex than calories in versus calories out.


A hormonal imbalance is one of the first reasons that your weight might be more than just calories in versus calories out. As long as your hormones are out of balance, you can eat as healthy as you want and still gain weight. Hormones are regulatory substances that stimulate your cells to carry out a particular function. When one hormone is produced in excess or not enough, the particular function that the hormone is responsible for isn’t carried out efficiently. For instance, if ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating your appetite, is produced in excess due to varying reasons, this can lead to increased food intake and thus increased body weight.


Poor sleeping habits do much more than leave dark circles under your eyes; in fact, poor sleeping habits are actually suggested to lead to future disease. Think of sleep as a reset button for your body. Sleep allows your body to repair, recharge and recalibrate. While your body is sleeping, this is also the time that your hormone levels are balanced out. Research suggests that people who sleep less than 7-9 hours per night have decreased levels of leptin, a satiating hormone, and increased levels of ghrelin, a hunger stimulating hormone.


Regardless of where the stress comes from, too much stress can negatively affect your waistline no matter how healthy you are eating. Chronic stress stimulates your body to produce cortisol, a steroid hormone that increases sugars in the bloodstream for your brain to feed on in the presence of a perceived threat. Because of this, research suggests that excess cortisol can cause abdominal obesity due to an increase in appetite as well.


Often, illness alone can lead to weight gain regardless of how many greens you might be eating. Whether it be due to a medication side effect, digestive issues, inactivity due to pain or depression or even something as simple as a vitamin deficiency, all of these factors can lead to weight gain. If you have a condition that is causing you to gain weight, talk to your doctor about ways to control this negative side effect.


Even if you eat a perfectly clean diet but sit around all day long, over time your metabolism will slow down and eventually lead to weight gain. Muscle burns more calories than fat, therefore in order to increase the efficiency of your metabolism, physical activity, such as weight bearing exercises, will increase your metabolism and allow you to burn more calories throughout the day. If you work a desk job that requires you to sit all day long, on average you will only burn around 400 calories in the eight hour day. One burger can easily be 400 calories, so as you can see, in order to prevent weight gain, being physically active is important.


Another condition that might cause you to gain weight no matter how healthy you eat is if your body is introduced to toxins, chemicals or poisons. For example, some research suggests that MSG (monosodium glutamate), a seasoning used commonly in Chinese and Japanese food, can damage the metabolic sensors that regulate food intake and lead to obesity. Try to avoid all harmful toxins like BPA (bisphenol A) found in most plastics, parabens found in personal care products, cigarette smoke and air pollution.

7. AGE

Another unfortunate weight gain promoter is your age. As you age, your metabolism slows down, causing you to burn fewer calories per day. Because of this you have to be proactive in order to prevent weight gain. The best way to fight age related weight gain is to start lifting weights. As I mentioned earlier, muscle mass burns more calories than fat mass, and therefore the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. For women, menopause can also be a factor in mid-life weight gain. During menopause your hormones change, which can cause an increased appetite, poor sleep, depression or a mixture of all three. Exercise becomes even more important during these trying years!
Although your weight is often a direct reflection of your diet, you and I both know there are always instances where this simply isn’t true. Your size two friend that eats more than an entire football team or your overweight aunt that eats three small, healthy meals a day - I’m sure you’ve seen both of those conditions. Sometimes your weight is more than just calories in versus calories out regardless of how many times you are told that statement! Have you ever dealt with any of these instances before? What did you do to take control?


7 Ways to Have a No Diet Approach And Still Lose Weight

As a successful personal trainer for over a decade, I have changed countless lives all with a no diet approach because I believe diets do not work. If you are on a diet, this is often a temporarily solution as opposed to a lifelong, healthier lifestyle change. And most people go on extremely restrictive diets that are not realistic to stick with, so they find themselves deprived and disgusted and then they fall off their program. So how do you lose weight and get great results without being on a diet? Here is my no diet approach to help you lose weight and transform your life:


Based on our genetics we all have a fast, slow or middle acting metabolism, so does that mean we are stuck at our current weight for life? Absolutely not. Combat your slow metabolism by exercising more and eating more mini healthy meals. You can combat your genetics by making healthy changes and still have a no diet approach to life.


Stop sitting down and writing what you should be doing and get active to start doing it. If you get more physical activity by aiming to exercise for 45 minutes to one hour four to six days a week, you will begin to see the weight melt off. So get moving and you will have great results with a no diet approach to life!


Continual research supports that exercising with greater intensity produces greater weight loss results, so what are you waiting for? Start pushing yourself in your workouts and if you do have the endurance to do this for longer, go for intervals. This will also provide you will ample recovery to rest and then begin again. And you will see results without stressing while being on a diet!


Not having to diet does not mean you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want; be mindful of your food choices. Make sure to eat mini meals of veggies, whole grains and fruits and never eat past 8pm. Listen to your hunger cues rather than eating out of emotions or boredom. And eat healthier to a leaner and lovelier you!


Little changes make a big difference, so why are you not doing them? Make over your refrigerator by stocking it with fruits and veggies and remove all temptation. Dedicate a room in your home for your fitness workouts. Lacking the room for fitness equipment? No worries, you can use a small area to do fitness DVDs, abs, weights, and cardio in place. This is a great way to meet your weight loss goals!


If you drink more you will find yourself less hungry, you will have more energy and this will aid in your weight loss goals. So how much water should you be drinking? Based on your activity level you should drink between 8-12 glasses of water (more on hot days and when you are exercising). This will also help to eliminate bloating and help your muscles to recover more efficiently from your workouts.


Let me just tell you, fit friends rock! I have a lot of friends all of varying activity levels but my fit friends really get me because they support me in my workout goal and never judge. Some may call it obsessed but they (along with myself) call it dedicated. And we all support one another with our goals and achievements!
Hope my tips will help you to lose weight without the stress of being on a diet, and live the life you deserve. So tell me, what are your weight loss goals and what motivates you?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)



The kitchen is the warm and inviting place where you, your family and guests unite so you may want some kitchen weight loss tips. It is the forefront of your home where good things all come together. But the kitchen can also make or break your healthy eating plan. If your kitchen is stocked with unhealthy food choices, your kitchen could sabotage your waistline. If you have a goal to lose weight read my kitchen weight loss tips that can transform your life:


One of the major reasons people make unhealthy choices is out of pure convenience. It is much easier to grab a bag of pretzels on the go than cut up veggies to make a snack pack. If you cut up fresh fruit and veggies and have this in baggies in your refrigerator, it will make healthy eating easy. Creating healthy grab and go snacks is one of the best kitchen weight loss tips because it make healthy choices easy to make!


Remove all temptation from your life by simply revamping your food pantry. Do not make the mistake of emptying your cupboards because then you will feel deprived. Stock the bulk of your snacks in the refrigerator (fruits and veggie slices). And stock the pantry with quinoa bites, whole grain crackers and any other healthy snack you enjoy. If you have a healthier kitchen you will be leaner, healthier and happier.


Set out the schedule of your weekly eating in advance so you have all the ingredients on hand and will skip the take out and cook up your own healthy dishes. Eating out generally means meals higher in fat and calories and you cannot control what is put into a dish unless you are the one cooking it. Set out a healthy plan for the week so that you can stay on target to your weight loss goals and better health!(www.pleaseweightloss.com)


After you serve dinner to everyone, put away the remaining food in a tupperware immediately. This will eliminate the possibility of you or your family going back for seconds and will help you stay on track with eating in portion control. Often we go back for seconds out of pure boredom rather than true hunger.


Put away the large dinner plates and eat on the salad plates. An appropriate portion should be eaten on salad plates. This will help take out the guesswork and keep you on track to a leaner and healthier life!


One of the best choices you can make is making the salad the main meal. This will help you meet your nutritional needs as well as satisfy your hunger. When you finish your meal if you want seconds you can go for it, if you make salad your choice.


If you fill your refrigerator with spinach, Swiss chard broccoli and other leafy greens you will be ready to go, when making a green shake. You will also boost your immune system and aid your digestive tract due to the ample fiber.
Hope you have enjoyed my kitchen weight loss tips to help transform your life. Are you ready to transform your kitchen and your life?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Simple Ways to Fight Winter Weight Gain ...

It can be incredibly tough to fight off winter weight gain. Comforting, heavier foods in winter seem so nourishing and satisfying at the time, but most typical comfort foods are high in calories, unhealthy fats, and starchy carbs. This high fat, high carbohydrate combination can lead to weight gain quickly. Then, factor in less activity from being indoors more, and winter weight gain becomes hard to avoid. So, to get you started off on the right foot again, and back in your normal sized jeans, just follow some of these tips below. They’re not extremely hard, but are effective rather quickly. Remember, taking baby steps to fight winter weight gain makes a huge difference over a couple of months. Then, when spring arrives, you’ll be confident and back to your optimal size while everyone else is trying to get ready for bikini season!


Exercise is one obvious way to fight off winter weight gain, but don’t forget how effective simple, everyday walking can be. Sure, gym time will help reduce your waist size quickly, but walking has actually been proven to be the easiest, most effective way to lose weight fast of all. Walking, in comparison to running, is friendlier to your joints, does not raise cortisol in the body, and it helps strengthen your joints and muscles. Over time, this stress-lowering and muscle building effect gives you a slim tummy, better blood sugar levels, and more lean muscle than you could imagine. Get walking at least 45 minutes a day, and you’ll drop that winter weight quickly in combination with a healthy diet.


When designing your meals, focus on healthy forms of vegetables at all your meals - not fried, sauteed, creamed, or in a casserole. Avoid adding sugar, too much salt and unhealthy fats to your veggies too. You want to include your veggies in the form of raw, baked, and steamed for the best results. Roasted veggies are also fantastic, but be sure you avoid using unhealthy vegetable oils and use coconut oil or olive oil instead. Also, instead of pastas and rice at your meals, eat root vegetables like sweet potatoes instead. Turnips, beets, carrots, squash, and onions are also excellent sources of low glycemic carbohydrates that can help you lose weight, and they squash your starchy cravings. Season these with black pepper, some herbs and a dash of Himalayan sea salt if you need it. Also, be sure to include plenty of leafy greens and green vegetables, which are the cornerstone of a lean and a healthy body.


You need to get regular in the winter, with your sleep that is! I know it can be easy to stay up late at night during winter, because most likely, you woke up later that morning due to less sunlight. Or, perhaps the lack of sun simply drains you and leaves you fatigued during the day, but wide awake at night. Whatever the case, irregular sleep patterns not only cause weight gain, but also depression. This also enhances your appetite for unhealthy foods. Our hormones reach optimal levels when we get regular sleep, and our hormones affect everything about our weight. Getting on a regular sleep schedule will ensure they work their best for you and your weight. Take a melatonin supplement or magnesium before bed if you can’t fall asleep or stay asleep.


Coffee is often promoted as a health food, but we need to get something straight. The delicious java beverage is also the most acidic thing you can put in your body and it raises stress levels. Despite its antioxidant content, and its brain benefits, coffee is still a highly addictive beverage, and it leads to a drop in glycemic index a couple of hours later. Guess what that means? Low energy, carb cravings, or turning to caffeine for your next boost of energy. One cup a day is okay, but if you can, switch to herbal or green tea instead. These choices actually do the opposite of coffee, and will help tame your sweet tooth, bad mood, and hypoglycemia. All these issues are important for getting rid of weight gain, in winter and year round.


Butter, sour cream, full fat milk, and cream are some of the most commonly used ingredients in winter dishes, especially where I’m from in the South. Talk about a weight and heart health nightmare! Ditch all animal fats if you want to lose that winter weight. Veggie fats are your friend, and guess what? They actually help you lose weight instead of gain it! Avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut, olives, and most all raw plant fats are incredibly awesome for helping you lose weight. Do not fear them, and in fact, eat more of them. Replace all animal fats with plant fats, and in no time, you’ll lose weight.


Along with veggies, you also need to focus on protein. During the winter, it can be easy to just stock up on cheap sources of filling carbs like beans, rice, white potatoes, and “healthy” processed carbs like granola or cereal bars. These foods might be less evil than fried food, but they aren’t a way to fight winter weight gain. In fact, they’ll likely put weight on you, rather than take it off. Instead, focus on lean sources of clean protein, along with those veggies. Doing so will help keep your blood sugar stable, prevent overeating, and help to build lean muscle in your body. My favorites are hemp protein, spirulina, almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and on occasion, wild fish. If you choose animal sources, be sure you keep your choices to the best forms possible like grass-fed, organic, and pastured meats, eggs, and wild fish.


Aside from walking, a fantastic way to increase your chances of losing winter weight, is to be active however you can. Work standing up if you work from home, either at a table or standing desk. Do chores like laundry, dishes, and cooking all those healthy foods you’re going to be eating. Even getting out to do errands counts. Whatever you do, just don’t sit on the couch all day, or at a desk without getting up to move every hour. Being active will do more for your winter weight than you can imagine, and the little things add up quickly.
I like to stay just as active in winter as I do the rest of the year, and by doing so, I don’t let myself get out of the healthy habit. I’m also happier for it and I am more inspired to take care of my diet when I’m active as well. Make your diet, sleep, and activity levels top priority when trying to avoid winter weight gain. It is hands down the best way to drop winter weight fast. Do you have any tips for losing winter weight? (www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Superb Carbs for Weight Loss

To lose weight and stay healthy, carbs are vital, so what are the carbs for weight loss? There is so much misinformation about having to eliminate carbohydrates for weight loss. But to fuel your workouts and your day, carbohydrates are essential. And aside from providing energy, did you know carbohydrates are vital for proper brain functioning? But you have to choose health carbs for weight loss, so read the best choices:

One of the best carbohydrates for weight loss is fruit, especially fruit like pears and apples since they are low glycemic. And pears and apples have metabolic boosting pectin in them. Fruits combine vitamins and minerals and essential carbs for weight loss.
Sweet Potatoes are a great way to provide your body with plenty of fiber and cancer fighting antioxidants. They also pack beta carotene along with many other vitamins. This will help keep you full longer and give the extra power needed to fuel your workouts. When was the last time you ate a sweet potato?
Oats are healthy carbohydrates that lower your cholesterol and help you have a healthier heart. These healthy carbs will also energize you for a power packed day along with aiding your weight loss goals. Due to the high carb content it is important to eat this for breakfast so your body has plenty of time to burn it off.
Quinoa is an amazing grain rich in fiber, protein and healthy carbohydrates. This has been a hidden health secret for many years and now it is present in nearly every grocer and for good reason. It tastes great and is packed with health benefits. The nutty flavor of this grain adds to your delectable lunch or dinner and you can even try this in a salad. Hope you enjoy this great weight loss carb!
To provide your body plenty of protein, fiber and healthy energizing carbohydrates; wild rice is a great choice. Wild rice tastes great with its nutty and wholesome flavor. And it will provide you plenty of energy to have a great workout. Again, it is important to have this carb earlier in the day before six at night, (around dinner time) so your body has ample time to work these carbs off.
Whole wheat flour will provide your body with plenty of fiber and nutrients. Your whole grain bread should be made with whole wheat flour. The best thing you can do is make food yourself with whole wheat flour as opposed to bleached white flour. This will aid in your weight loss and health goals!(www.pleaseweightloss.com)


7 Weight Loss Success Stories That Will Inspire You ...

As a personal trainer for over a decade, I have countless weight loss success stories that will inspire you. Since I abide by full confidentiality I will withhold any specific details for my client’s best interest. But I will provide you all the inspirational details in how you can lose weight and have success. And all extra details will be included so that you can stay motivated and on track to achieve fitness and health success. Here are weight loss success stories that I hope motivate you:


One of my first clients, I trained a decade ago, was a college student that had put on twenty three pounds from just one year at school. With the life changes, food changes and time management, fitness fell to the back burner and as a result her skinny jeans no longer fit. Rather than swap her skinny jeans for all elastic pants she called me to help her transform over the summer. With my fitness plan she lost twenty eight pounds and transformed her life in just three months and I gained a great friend for life (we still talk all the time). This is one of my great weight loss success stories that should inspire you to achieve!


One of my clients who has just had her first child found herself thirty five pounds over her pre-pregnancy weight and feeling a lack of energy. Once a college athlete but since new motherhood and life changes, she found herself overweight and feeling insecure of who she was. I helped her regain herself and learn to balance life as a new mom to include fitness. In five months, she learned to balance life, restructure her eating, and gain self-confidence. As a result, she lost thirty two pounds, gained lean muscle tone and even ran a half marathon. And even though she did not reach her goal weight since she gained muscle, she was in a smaller size clothes than she had been in since high school. Through the process of my training she found a new love (aside from her family), a love for running and she found balance as a new mom!


A prospective client contacted me interested in my training to help her lose forty pounds for her fortieth birthday in just seven months. With my guidance, training plan and a growing friendship I helped her to achieve this. In the process she found so much more about herself and what had caused her to emotionally eat. She confronted her fears and conquered new challenges (like a half marathon) and we became friends for life. At her fortieth birthday she shined more than in her twenties. With hard work and determination anything is possible!


A male client contacted me interested in running a quicker 5k and losing ten pounds so I accepted the challenge. In two years he not only lost twenty pounds (more than he had ever imagined) but he became one of the fastest runners in the state, smashing race times and all the while getting leaner to reveal a tremendous transformation.


With sixty approaching, a woman contacted me hoping to lose weight so she could keep up with her five grandchildren but she never saw an athlete within her (or what would come). In one years’ time she managed to lose thirty three pounds, become a runner, break her own fitness records and rock a size she had not worn in twenty some odd years. She proves that age is just a number, it is all how you feel!


Just three years ago, a woman contacted me interested in joining my Bootcamp, after joining for one month she inspired her husband to join as well. Exercising as a couple they managed to lose quite a bit of weight and smash their own fitness records repeatedly. She lost twenty four pounds and her husband lost over fifty and that is pure inspiration. What is more inspirational is that with their six packs and strong body they also revealed their athleticism by coming in the top percentage of countless running races. They not only look fit and amazing but their personalities shine as a result. This is one fit and fierce couple that you should be inspired by; they have proved together anything is possible!


After combating a serious of health issues, a client contacted me hoping to lose twenty five pounds and have more energy. In just ten months’ time she accomplished this and much more. Through my guidance and support, she lost forty one pounds (she did not even know she could lose this much), she achieved the lean stomach she dreamed of, found more energy, and found the freedom and joy of running solo. She went on to run several marathons and proved that she can be a fabulous fun fifty!

I hope this glimpse into my amazing client success stories will inspire you and show that with hard work, determination and a lot of sweat you can achieve any goal. Are you ready to become the next fitness success weight loss story? Then get working!(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Kitchen Weight Loss Tips That Can Transform Your Life

The kitchen is the warm and inviting place where you, your family and guests unite so you may want some kitchen weight loss tips. It is the forefront of your home where good things all come together. But the kitchen can also make or break your healthy eating plan. If your kitchen is stocked with unhealthy food choices, your kitchen could sabotage your waistline. If you have a goal to lose weight read my kitchen weight loss tips that can transform your life:


One of the major reasons people make unhealthy choices is out of pure convenience. It is much easier to grab a bag of pretzels on the go than cut up veggies to make a snack pack. If you cut up fresh fruit and veggies and have this in baggies in your refrigerator, it will make healthy eating easy. Creating healthy grab and go snacks is one of the best kitchen weight loss tips because it make healthy choices easy to make!


Remove all temptation from your life by simply revamping your food pantry. Do not make the mistake of emptying your cupboards because then you will feel deprived. Stock the bulk of your snacks in the refrigerator (fruits and veggie slices). And stock the pantry with quinoa bites, whole grain crackers and any other healthy snack you enjoy. If you have a healthier kitchen you will be leaner, healthier and happier.


Set out the schedule of your weekly eating in advance so you have all the ingredients on hand and will skip the take out and cook up your own healthy dishes. Eating out generally means meals higher in fat and calories and you cannot control what is put into a dish unless you are the one cooking it. Set out a healthy plan for the week so that you can stay on target to your weight loss goals and better health!


After you serve dinner to everyone, put away the remaining food in a tupperware immediately. This will eliminate the possibility of you or your family going back for seconds and will help you stay on track with eating in portion control. Often we go back for seconds out of pure boredom rather than true hunger.


Put away the large dinner plates and eat on the salad plates. An appropriate portion should be eaten on salad plates. This will help take out the guesswork and keep you on track to a leaner and healthier life!


One of the best choices you can make is making the salad the main meal. This will help you meet your nutritional needs as well as satisfy your hunger. When you finish your meal if you want seconds you can go for it, if you make salad your choice.


If you fill your refrigerator with spinach, Swiss chard broccoli and other leafy greens you will be ready to go, when making a green shake. You will also boost your immune system and aid your digestive tract due to the ample fiber.
Hope you have enjoyed my kitchen weight loss tips to help transform your life. Are you ready to transform your kitchen and your life?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Marvelous Methods to Curb Your Appetite Naturally

There are many methods to curb your appetite that are natural, safe and easy. For many years, we often equated appetite suppression with diet pills or some other unsafe diet plan, but there are in fact safe and simple methods to curb your appetite that we can all use. I’ll admit I have days where I feel like my appetite has a mind of its own! If you feel like your appetite is ruling your life or you’re trying to lose some weight, I think you’ll find these easy ways to curb your appetite useful and easy to follow!


One of the best methods to curb your appetite is to drink water. It might sound too easy, but it’s really that simple. Drinking a glass of water when you start to feel your tummy rumbling is a smart and healthy way to suppress your appetite. Did you know that may people confuse dehydration for hunger? The next time you start feeling hungry, try drinking 8 oz. of water and waiting 10-15 minutes, you’re probably going to notice that you’re not as hungry as you were before or the feeling has passed.


Eating more often throughout the day is another way to suppress your appetite. Do you eat three square meals a day and rarely stray from your routine? Why not try eating smaller meals throughout the day, say every 2-3 hours? According to WebMD, eating more often helps boost your metabolism, so if you’re trying to shed some pounds, it’s a great way to go. Whenever you eat a lot with many hours in between meals, they say it actually slows down your metabolism.


You’ve probably heard it a million times - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, if you want to curb your appetite, eating breakfast is crucial! When you skip breakfast, your blood sugar dips and your cravings are likely to be worse later on in the day. Even if you’re always in a rush, take a few minutes to eat something quick or prepare something like overnight oats so there’s no fuss in the morning.


Filing up on high fiber foods such as apples, oatmeal, salads and pine nuts will fill you up and keep you feeling full longer. Apples contain pectin which is a fiber found in fruits that have been found to reduce cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels and improve your intestinal health. Pine nuts have pinolenic acid in them which contain hormones that signal your brain that your belly is full.


For safe appetite suppression, pile your plate with protein. Make room for high protein foods like lean turkey, fish, cheese, beans, eggs and nuts to keep you feeling fuller longer. Protein shakes or smoothies are also a quick and easy way to get your fill of vitamins and nutrients while you’re on the go. WebMD states that diets rich in protein can help reduce blood fats, maintain lean tissue while burning fat for fuel.


Aside from eating slower, waiting for 20 minutes before you have another helping or course of your meal can help you consume less and curb your appetite. According to exercise physiologist Bob Greene, it takes 20 minutes for our brains to get the signal that we are full, so if we consume our entire meal and then some before that time is up, we can end up eating more than we need. He suggests waiting 20 minutes after dinner before ordering dessert and chances are, you won’t even want it.


If you have a hard time drinking water, reach for a cup of tea the next time your perceived appetite is calling for food. There are tons of different types and flavors of tea so there’s bound to be something you enjoy! Drinking tea can be relaxing and it’s a tasty way to take in some nutrients. Some great choices are peppermint, chamomile, rooibos, licorice, fruit flavored or green tea.
These tips to curb your appetite aren’t about denying yourself when you’re truly hungry. Sometimes, we might feel like we’re hungry, but we can often confuse false with true hunger. Things like boredom, feeling thirsty or even fatigue can lead us to mistakenly feel we’re hungry when we’re not. How do you curb your appetite?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Easy Ways to Cut 500 Calories Out of Your Diet

By making a few small changes there are many easy ways to cut 500 calories out of your diet! One pound is equal to 3,500 calories, therefore, by either burning 500 more calories, eating 500 calories less or a combination of the two, over a period of seven days, you can lose a pound. You do the math and that’s 4 pounds a month and about 50 pounds a year! That’s a lot of weight my friends! Here are seven ways to cut 500 calories out of your diet quite simply!


One of the easiest ways to cut 500 calories out of your diet is to order the appetizer portion instead of the full-sized entrée. Restaurant portion sizes are often far too large, but we find ourselves eating more than we should simply because it is sitting in front of us. Instead of letting a restaurant meal devour your healthy living goals, order the appetizer portion size whenever dining out. Usually this amount is just enough without leaving you feeling overly full at the end of the meal.


It can be rather shocking to look at the nutrition facts of some of your dressings, condiments and sauces. Although these little add ons seem quite innocent, many of them are high in calories, sugar and fat. By requesting that your sauces be served on the side, this allows you to add just the right amount without your food being covered and soaked in far too much. Before taking a bite, dip your fork into the sauce and then into the food, (instead of the other way around) to decrease the amount of calories even more.


Another easy way to cut the calories is to order a smaller size, especially when it comes to fast food. Although I would certainly recommend limiting fast food, selecting a smaller size is a sure fire way to cut calories quickly. Things like fries, onion rings, milkshakes, etc. are very high in calories and larger portions certainly add to that! Fill up on the healthy things and limit those unhealthy items to the smaller sizes and choose them as infrequently as possible.


I’ve seen people drop double digit pounds by making one small change: ditching the soda. Soda is full of sugar and nothing else, about nine teaspoons of sugar in one can to be precise! Soda is high in empty calories and can cause you to pack on the pounds rather quickly. Reach for things like lemon water, lime water, sparkling water, etc. to cut a substantial amount of calories from your day!


Like soda, fried foods are nutritionally inadequate. Fried foods are high in fat and calories and do more damage to your health than good, even fried bananas! Order items like grilled chicken instead of fried chicken, baked potatoes instead of French fries, and whole-grain crackers instead of chips in order to really reduce the amount of calories in your food.


Even though it might be hard to believe, one tablespoon of oil actually contains roughly 120 calories and those calories really add up! When cooking, it’s easy to use a lot more than one tablespoon and quickly you can turn a 50 calorie serving of broccoli into a 550 serving of broccoli without even realizing it. Cook and order your foods steamed instead of cooked in oil in order to greatly reduce the amount of added calories and fat in your food!


Why waste your calories on food that you don’t even want or like? Look at the amount of food that you eat as your “foodie bank account.” You have a certain amount that you can spend and you can’t go over. Or if you do decide to splurge a little and go over just slightly, add some more exercise to balance this out. Spending hours on the treadmill just isn’t worth it, so only eat the foods that you enjoy the most!
With a few simple changes you can easily cut ample calories from your day, which can really add up to a quite a few pounds lost if that is your goal! You don’t have to ditch all of your favorite foods for lettuce to cut the calories. Instead, just choose your foods wisely! How do you maintain a healthy diet and healthy weight?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)


7 of The Best Scientific Weight Loss Tips That Really Work

Want to read some of the best scientific weight loss tips that really work? These tips all really work and they are backed by scientific studies. Certain tips can help you shed a few pounds and get in better shape. Here are the scientific weight loss tips that can help you to reach your weight loss goals:


Scientific research has proven that aside from burning calories and bettering your health, exercising reduces your stress levels and helps you to lose weight. So make sure you get your workout in six days a week. This is one of the top scientific weight loss tips that really works.


Eating mini meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism going strong and you will be less likely to fall off the healthy eating program you have been on. The best thing you can do for your body is eat mini healthy meals and the worst thing you can do is skip meals. You will lose weight and be in a better mood by simply practicing these eating habits.


When you rise in the morning, your metabolism is slowest almost at a halt. To jumpstart your metabolic rate, eat a lean breakfast. Studies show breakfast eaters weigh less than non breakfast eaters, so make sure you start your day the right way. My breakfast of choice is scrambled egg whites or a green smoothie.


Do you know the old adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Could this be true? Yes it is, because apples are loaded with nutrients to better your health along with boost your metabolic rate. Apples also have pectin in them (also found in pears) and this is a natural fat burner. Apples are also packed with soluble fiber (which helps to lower cholesterol), vitamin C, and water, so you will feel satisfied and you will eat smaller meals throughout the day. To add more flavor to your apple, spread organic peanut butter on apple slices for a longer lasting appetite suppressor and some protein to aid your weight loss goals.


According to a Penn University study, consuming soup before your main entrée can save up to 700 calories a week. In this study subjects who consumed soup before lunch consumed 100 fewer calories at that meal. So go ahead and have some soup so that you can slim down to look leaner and reach your weight loss goals!


To get plenty of fiber and phytonutrients and aid your weight loss goals, makes sure you eat your greens. You can attain your goal of at least 6 servings of greens a day by having 2 salads a day, veggies for 2 snacks, adding veggies to your morning egg white omelet, and having a green shake. This is an easy peasy way to add veggies into your day!


If you are sleep deprived, research has shown that your body will secrete the hormone cortisol, which is a weight gainer. To avoid this weight gain, make sure you get more sleep. It is recommended that you get between 8-10 hours a sleep a night (this would be a dream for me with three kids). Get as much sleep as you for better health.
Hope you have enjoyed the scientific weight loss tips that really work and that you will utilize them. What is your favorite weight loss tip and why?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Strategies to Slim down Effectively And Quickly

As time quickly passes, before you know it summer will be here, so follow my strategies to slim down effectively and quickly. If you do not start making changes in your life today you will find yourself overweight and out of breath for the summer. So stop stressing and get working by following my guided, effective strategies to slim down, and you will be thankful after you achieve hard earned results!


One of the simplest and best things you can do for your body is drink water, so why aren’t you doing it? If you tell me water is boring, no worries, add a slice of lemon, lime or cucumber to add a change of pace to your ordinary H2O. This will help you eliminate bloating and this is one of my simple strategies to slim down.


I just returned from a weekend away celebrating my 34th birthday and I indulged in my meals, had a great time but still found time to run 12 miles because fitness is part of my life. Sure I sprinted the miles to squeeze them in a short duration (1:25 minute), but I prioritized this. If you make fitness part of your life you can always manage to find time.


Simple changes in your life add up, like cutting out bread from your dinner, drinking more water, adding an extra ten minute workout into your day and making healthier food choices. All these changes add up to make a big difference to slim down quickly. Transform your life to a healthier you!


Start eating more vegetables to get your daily intake of fiber, satisfy your nutritional needs and slim down. When in need of a snack, nosh on some carrots, and when you are looking for one cereal you should have for breakfast, ditch the cereal for a spinach fruit smoothie!


Late snacking can be sabotaging your slim down plan, especially if you are snacking on the wrong snacks. Until you get on a healthier track, why not eliminate the possibility of this self-sabotage? Instead, get to bed earlier and you can boost your metabolism and increase your brain functionality!


As you read and hear about all these intense fitness programs you may wonder if there is something to this science. Well as your trainer, I am here to tell you there is! If you intensify your workouts, you can burn more calories in your workout session and even later at rest. Not convinced? Well give it a try so you can be convinced when you see amazing results that you will achieve!


Stop stressing over the scale and weigh in. The National Weight Losers that keep weight over for over a year have demonstrated success from weekly weigh-ins because it keeps accountability. Even if you are up in weight from an outing, it is important to face the music and get back on track. So make friends with the scale so you can achieve great slim down results!
Hope you will utilize these tips to slim down and get in shape. Remember, with hard work and dedication you can decide your size, shape and fitness level. Are you ready to make the choice?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 Simple Weight Loss Tips to Help You Drop Weight Healthily

Most people indulge as a part of a celebration so often when they should really focus on simple weight loss tips and a healthy lifestyle. It can be a constant battle when every week at work there is a birthday, anniversary or retirement and then you go home to celebrate a family party. And at every party there is plenty of high calorie, fat laden food. So what should you do and how will you get on track? Read simple weight loss tips to help you lose weight healthily so that you can achieve all your goals and more:


One of the biggest problems people often do when eating is stand up and eat while they are distracted, or eat while they are cooking and there is no actual focus on what or how much they are eating. This eating is called mindless eating because no thought is put into it. To lean down and lose weight, start sitting down because this is one of the best simple weight loss tips that actually works.


With all the chaos of life, running here, there and everywhere, we can nosh on constant snacking and lose track of the amount of food we consume. Cut the guess work out and plan your meals for the week so you will be sure to be on track with eating healthy, lose weight and be less likely to fall astray to these healthy choices.


If you love brownies and could not imagine your life without them, do not give them up forever because this will leave you feeling deprived and more likely to stop your health plan. Compromise and make a healthier take of your high fat brownie recipe. If you get realistic and learn to live life in moderation you will lose weight, feel great and never feel deprived again!


Walk into your local grocer with confidence and you make healthy choices and look at your cart as if it was your stomach. You would not want to pour junk into your stomach so leave it out of your cart. When you put your fruits, veggies and whole grains on the conveyor belt, trust your choices and these choices will be reflective on the scale!


People often sit at desk jobs for 8-10 hours without any activity and the result is a slower metabolism and lethargy. Get up and get moving to visit your coworker and discuss your new project rather than doing it all through email. If you move more, you will lose weight and embody a healthier lifestyle.


Join an exercise class and you may even get an added bonus of meeting some new fit friends. Just as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. If you surround yourself with some fit friends, you can relish in your ambition. You can even team up for a group race!


If you make fitness a mandatory task, you will find yourself loathing your workout. But if you look at exercise as a privilege, you will exercise with greater intensity, purpose and the aftermath will be greater results!
Hope these simple weight loss tips will help you to lose weight, get in shape and have a happier and healthier life! So tell me, I am curious, what is your favorite fitness activity and food?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

7 of My New Favorite Weight Loss Tips That Are Simple but Work ...

Do you have any favorite weight loss tips? I know that I do, but I am constantly looking for new ones to add to my routine. My favorite weight loss tips are those that are both easy to follow and successful. Here's a list of some tips that I'm currently following. See if any of them have worked for you.


Many weight loss tips are hard to follow, but this one can easily become part of you routine. Most people are surprised by how much less they eat by simply taking a little break during their meal. Any time you eat, simply stop eating every couple of minutes and count to 30 in your head. No one will know what you're doing. Plus, this will give you some time to evaluate how hungry you are. This has quickly became one of my new favorite weight loss tips.


Drinking water is something that I have to force myself to do. After seeing this tip on television, I knew that it was something that I had to train myself to do. The original tip was to simply take a bottle of water to bed with you at night and take 20 sips of water when you wake up in the morning. I decided that I wanted to incorporate this into my day, by doing this routine before meals and snacks. Though it does take some dedication, it really helps add more water to your diet.


Eating healthy snacks is something that I really struggle with. If there are foods like chips or cookies in my home, it's tempting to grab those items instead of fruits or vegetables. Lately, I've been making my own healthy snack packs. I like to fill these packs with items like carrots or grapes. By having snack packs ready my children have also been eating more fruits and vegetables.


There are so many benefits of eating oatmeal. It is a good source of both fiber and protein. It can also help reduce your cholesterol and boost your immune system. If you like oatmeal, you don't just have to have it for breakfast. It's great for snacks too. Many people like to add a variety of fruits to their oatmeal for added flavor.


Many people set their prepared meals on their table. While this makes serving your meal very easy, it's hard on your diet. When you have a large amount of food sitting around you, it's very tempting to overeat. If you tend to overeat, try serving your meals restaurant style. Instead of setting different foods on the table, fix your plate and put the rest of the food away.


Pedometers are a very inexpensive way to help you to become more active. They can be purchased at most retailers and you can use them to challenge yourself to walk more steps each day. First, determine the amount of steps that you would like to be walking each day. For most people 1 mile is about 2,000 steps. If you currently walk 1,500 steps each day, challenge yourself to increase the amount by 1,000 steps each week until you reach your goal.


Life is busy and therefore it can be very difficult to eat all of your meals at home. If you're trying to lose weight, you should strive to eat as many of your meals at home as you can. If your family currently eats out most of the time, start by trying to eat at home 50% of the time. After awhile, increase the amount of time that you eat at home to 75% and then to 100%. If you must eat out, try hard to avoid buffets because most people tend to overeat at buffets.
Weight loss tips are a great tool to have when you're trying to lose weight. Do you have any weight loss tips that you would like to share with me? I can't wait to hear from you.(www.pleaseweightloss.com)

9 Ways to Lose Weight in a Month ...

Finding ways to lose weight in a month should be about lifestyle changes, not drastic measures that won't last. If you embark on a journey that punishes your body, you may find yourself taking two steps forward and five back. Some of the greatest ways to lose weight in a month last a lifetime. They are simple, effective, and won't make you miserable.


Alcohol is the enemy. Not only is it high in calories, it isn't an easy fuel for your body to burn. This means it heads straight for the ethanol and stores fat, which is the toughest fuel for your body to burn. A lot of people are now doing 'dryathlons' in January to raise money for charity. Hold your own personal dryathlon and do your body a favor. As one of the easy ways to lose weight in a month, it helps your body beyond weight loss!


We live in a society that kids us into thinking we need meat each day or with each meal. I'm not suggesting that anybody ditches meat altogether. Not all of us want to do that, and we do live in a free society after all! I am, however, suggesting defecting to Quorn every so often. Or, fish if you like! A lot of meat isn't just full of fat, it contains lots of antibiotics and growth hormones, which also contribute to weight gain.


When you don't sleep enough, your appetite increases. During some of my worst periods of insomnia, I ate like a pig. I'd get so many temporary highs from eating and then crash, it was like a vicious cycle. If you can, go to bed a little earlier. We don't need to spend as much time awake as we do anyway!


We all know that we need to eat five a day. When I do, I eat a lot less junk. Fruit isn't always fun though, which is why I sometimes find myself eating rubbish instead. Make it fun by buying a smoothie maker. You can also create fruit salads and enjoy them with maple syrup. Another great way to enjoy fruit is to dehydrate it and eat it as chips. It does't always have to be boring!


When you eat your meals and snacks throughout the day, consider what you have already eaten. If you have had a carb-laden breakfast, eat a lot of protein for lunch. If you have already had a muffin, start eating fruit snacks instead. You don't need to obsessively count calories, just understand what your body needs and what you have deprived it of so far during the day. Also, chew slowly to recognise when you are no longer hungry, then stop when that time comes!


When I first went to college I was terrible with food. At first I lost weight, because I couldn't cook. Then I put it on, because I was relying on junk. When you learn to enjoy cooking food, producing healthy meals is easy. Turn to Asian cuisine for healthy inspiration and you won't crave the convenience or the temporary highs of junk!


With that in mind, vow to not have any takeout over the next month! Even if you have just one a week, you could be saving more calories than you realise. Even better, stop eating out. Will the world end because you missed the chance to go out for dinner? Probably not. The more you control what goes in your mouth, the better.


Falling off the wagon is easy when it comes to exercise. Why? Because we so rarely do it for fun! If you love running (a lot of my friends do) then keep it up! However, if you prefer walking, do that instead. Similarly, if dancing is up your street, find some videos on YouTube and give them a whirl. When you enjoy exercise, you are more likely to do it every day.


Unless you have amazing will power, don't try to ditch sugar entirely. However, you should try to eat it no more than once a day. So if you add sugar to your coffee, don't have any more. Similarly, if you have a chocolate bar, don't eat any more. Approaching sugar this way allows you to eat 'naughty' foods, without going overboard. You also avoid punishing yourself.
Trying to lose weight in a month isn't a bad thing. With these lifestyle changes, you will lose weight without going through a heinous regimen. Apparently, it takes 21 days to change your lifestyle habits. This means you will be able to keep these changes up when the month is done! What approaches do you like to take to one-month weight loss?(www.pleaseweightloss.com)